PinnedMiklos PhilipsinUX CollectiveThe neuroscience of UXNeuroscience meets design: how to harness the power of brain science in digital product design for enhanced user experiences.May 6, 20234May 6, 20234
Miklos PhilipsinUX CollectiveExploring the ethics of persuasive designPersuasive design techniques are a tool and with thoughtful application they can be a valuable addition to any designer’s toolkit.Jan 25, 20232Jan 25, 20232
Miklos PhilipsinUX CollectiveHow to Create an Affordable Figma Portfolio WebsiteFigma is gaining popularity as a free alternative to traditional website builders for portfolio websites. This tutorial walks you through…Jan 7, 2023Jan 7, 2023
Miklos PhilipsinUX CollectiveThe UX bootcamp model is brokenSorry, would-be UX designers, don’t believe the marketing hype, UX bootcamps won’t do it for most of you.Jul 23, 202323Jul 23, 202323
Miklos PhilipsinUX CollectiveDesign Principles: why a design worksCognitive ease happens when there is no cognitive strain. When a design works, people experience cognitive ease.May 8, 202311May 8, 202311
Miklos PhilipsinUX CollectiveDark UI design: principles and best practicesDesigning a dark theme UI comes with many potential hurdles and pitfalls. Following dark UI design principles and best practices can help.Dec 5, 20213Dec 5, 20213
Miklos PhilipsinUX CollectiveDesigners as Stewards of AIDesigners need to start thinking about AI in design as an augmented intelligence system and a creative partner.Sep 1, 2021Sep 1, 2021
Miklos PhilipsinUX CollectiveExperimental product design — prototyping with live dataExperimental product design techniques deployed rigorously during the design process are crucial for optimizing user experiences.Jan 15, 2023Jan 15, 2023
Miklos PhilipsinUX PlanetThe Importance of Human-centered Design in Product DesignInvolve your customers and collaborate with them from the start. Otherwise, you are designing without understanding the whole picture.Feb 13, 20211Feb 13, 20211
Miklos PhilipsinUX CollectiveDeep dive: Mobile design principles and best practicesMost mobile experiences suffer from poor UX because their creators failed to observe mobile UX design principles and best practices.Feb 11, 20213Feb 11, 20213